Our Work Life

Education Apostolate
Benedictines have a strong tradition of commitment to education. Today we operate the Benedictine Schools of Richmond, which includes an all-boys college preparatory school and an all-girls high school both located on abbey property.

The Abbey is a quiet place ideal for an individual retreat. We welcome the faithful of all denominations. We have space available for individual retreats and small groups of up to five people. At the moment we are not able to take large groups until we build a new facility for a retreat center.

Parish Apostolate
The Abbey maintains a close relationship with the local Diocese of Richmond. Our monks often provide weekend assistance to several local parishes. In the past, some monks staffed parishes in the diocese.

Ministry to the Sick
“I was sick and you visited Me” (Mt 25:36). Our monks respond to Christ’s call by making regular visits to the sick at several local hospitals. We serve as chaplains St. Mary’s Hospital and St. Francis Medical Center.

Monks do chaplaincy work at various convents in the area. In addition, monks also occasionally do chaplaincy work at the Langley air force base, Virginia.

Spiritual Direction and Counseling
Monks are always available to individuals who come to the Abbey seeking spiritual direction, confession, or counseling. Please call for an appointment.

Global Mission outreach
As Jesus does, St. Benedict also encourages to be in solidarity with the poor: “As long as you did it to one of these My least brethren, you did it to Me” (Mt 25:40). Monks at the Abbey have responded to this call by supporting programs that create opportunities for education and sustainable development for AIDS orphans, youth, women and underprivileged families in Uganda rural communities.
Visit www.ugandaruralfund.org

Abbey daily upkeep
Community life involves working for self-sustenance of the monastery. Monks are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of their home, the abbey. Therefore, our monks engage in work around the abbey, such as kitchen work, housekeeping, grounds work, garden work, library work, Sacristy work, administrative work, etc.

Direct Mail Office
Monks, assisted by Abbey Oblates, operate a Direct Mail office from which they solicit funds to support our various apostolates.

Tailor Shop
The Abbey tailor shop is operated by one of the monks. The monastic habits and liturgical vestments for the brothers are all custom-made at the Abbey. One of our monks is a highly skilled tailor who operates the abbey tailor shop.

An oblate is a layperson, single or married, affiliated with a particular monastery. While they are not members of the monastic community, they are united with them through lives of work and prayer in the spirit of St. Benedict. The Oblates of Mary Mother of the Church Abbey meet the third Saturday of every month except for June, July and August. After the meeting, the Oblates join the monks for Adoration and Vespers at 4:30 p.m.
Contact us about becoming an oblate at Mary Mother of the Church Abbey.

Our campus is home to the Shroud of Turin Center. Visitors can see full-size transparencies of the Shroud, and learn about its history and science through interactive multimedia presentations. Group presentations are available by request.

We are the only location in the area with a 24-hour Adoration chapel. It is open for visitors to come and spend time with the Lord in silence and peace.
The Adoration Chapel is open again.
Contact Us
We’re here to help you discover the way of life God created you to live. Ask us anything!
Send a message to our vocation director, arrange for a virtual conversation or schedule an
in-person visit to our abbey.